you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

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title: Nearly dead
date: Friday, September 14, 2007
time:8:44:00 PM
Although I am getting a cellphone, my days are not going so good afterall. I'm so tired and stressed, I am losing my entire mind. I forgot my bookbag at my school because my mom rushed my from after school softball practice. Soooo, no homework and none of my important stuff. How FRUSTRATING can it be?? I seriously dont know what to do and its killing me. I emailed all of my teachers and...EEEP :(
Anyways, I really want a choclate to be my cellphone although I dont know if thats ok. My family service is Sprint, which sucks because they never have good offers!! And there is a new choclate thats out with only 3 darn colors and I dont know what to choose.... I need alot of time to make up my mind... really need to think about this, so if anyone wants to suggest something, it would be quite a dandy!
My bus times changed this morning and I nearly missed the bus! I had to run all the way from my street to 3 streets after mine, while carrying a packed lunchbox, my softball gear in another hand and a 20 pound back pack. I was so slow at running, I think when I'm well rested, I can walk faster. I've got some good news and a tip.
The goodies Ok so I went to target a couple days ago and there was a deal on this styling spray "aussie" so I bought 2 different types of it and now I curl my hair with it!
When I'm all clean, I'm a little obsessed with curling my hair and I do it. I dont like it curled all the way up my hair, just like waves falling from my hair, and its all shiny and stuff... boy, thats my dream hair with brown highlights!! Just dont spray too much styling spray or else your hair is in clumps and it sticks together.
Glamorus me?
A idea to make your hair really nice is to spray it, comb it back into a ponytail and if you have long enough hair, you can comb your ponytail straight and curl the ends of it and it looks really beautiful, and if anyboys bother you, you can whip them with your ponytail ;).
I guess I have to go now, I'm pretty disturbed by my life. :0. Any help from anyone?? Please help meee with my scedule. So bye :)

Posted by Linda @ 8:44:00 PM

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