you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

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title: Snow day
date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009
time:8:20:00 PM
oh my osh koshes!
Its a SNOW DAY today!
It hardly EVER snows, roughly once every 2 years... There was only like what, 3 inches? Unlike the 3-10 feet you get the more up north you live.
So because we had 3 inches, we had no school! Its just our free day to go out and play like normal kids should (except I still have swim practice... :()

I spent my morning jumping around, dancing in the snow, trying to make a snowman, but the snow was way too powdery so nothing good happened there... But I did end up making one after the snow stopped fluttering down from the sky. The snow then was more wet and slushy, but the ground was all wet too, so my snow man turned out to be pretty orangey brown with alot of leaves stuck to it.

Oh, and nearly forgot, havent you all watched the inauguration?!? Of president Obama? I guess it isnt relevant to anyone outside the US, but its pretty important! In the next few days, a billion videos will come up on youtube on the inauguration. So I guess it doesnt really matter. My dads watching the inauguration right now, since he was so lazy and slept right through the whole thing. bleh. Dads...

To excited to put on a quote, but here it it:
Cockroaches and socialites are the only things that can stay up all night
and eat anything. - Herb Caen

I kinda didnt get that one.. But it was on iGoogle today, and I was too lazy to go hunt for one :). Maybe you want to submit one?

I think we should get a quote from Obama. Suggestions please!

Posted by Linda @ 8:20:00 PM

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title: True Beauty
date: Saturday, January 17, 2009
time:6:54:00 PM
I've just watched the first 2 episodes of the new TV reality show, true beauty. I've always thought it was pretty interesting, and it is! Just go on and watch free episodes. You HAVE to watch it. Its cool. Click here :

I won't spoil anything yet. People are just arrogant in this show.
One thing to think about :
Is it better to lie , the tell the truth, or to lie and never tell the truth?
but when you're thinking about your answer, is lieing bad no matter if you tell the truth or not?

Posted by Linda @ 6:54:00 PM

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title: Life quotes, another quote of the post
date: Saturday, January 10, 2009
time:1:47:00 PM
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its
enemies is lunch.
- Michael Friedman

I like these quotes I'm funding on my iGoogle! I like getting things started with a quote of the day. Nice to stimulate your brain.

Life Quotes
ANd I havent been to the website for quite awhile. Its a nice place, but there wayy to many ads, and ads make a website look messy.

So I got the game Brain Age for christmas from my cousin Chloe, and i find it really fun. Its pretty inexpensive for a nintendo ds game, about $20, but on ebay it can be a couple dollars less. Its got all these little training tests and you have to do them fast and correctly. There is one training game called Changemaker. It shows a price, for exmple $5, and then it shows how much you paid for it ex.$10, and you have to give the correct amount of change back. SO on the touch part of the screen, there are pennies, nickels dimes quarters some $5 bills and $1 bills. You have to give the correct amount of change. Then it gets harder, and you have to get faster. My record? 58 seconds for 10 problems!
But dad beat me by getting 52.. but he got a problem wrong, which ads 20 seconds to your time total, so Im still a winner :P W00t!

And now its facebook time.

Posted by Linda @ 1:47:00 PM

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title: Happy late new years everybody :)
date: Thursday, January 8, 2009
time:10:23:00 PM
If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he
gave it to. - Dorothy Parker

Happy (Late) New years peeps!
Today is a happy day for me. I FINALLY got a 101 on a math test. Strangely, I havent got a 100 on a test all year! My poor asian-ness. So to all of you out there who aren't doing that great in school now, Im your example. Blehh.

And I totally survived the first week of school, and Im on a great scedule. I have to sleep before 11 though, or else I get SOO tired throughout the day. I start blinking and my head starts noddingg.... and It feel sooo great to have your eyes closed. And the next thing you know, your teacher is hollering your name.... "LINDA! Whats the answer to number 4?!"

So these couple of weeks, we're doing a Utopia project. We must research all this useless crap about Utopias, like what the word means, some examples of Utopia's and compare and contrast the examples of Utopia's. Then we have create a Utopia and write a few essays describing it.
But I think doing all this research on Utopia's are totally unnessecary! I already know what a Utopia IS because we just read The Giver. And our teacher has been talking about it for ever so long. But "nooo" she still wants us to reseach all this doo doo. All I want to do is just make my Utopia. "Everybody except my Language arts teacher, drug dealers, racist people, etc etc."

Anyways. Im feeling very tired. maybe its time to start my homework. I'll just have to be done in 10 minutes. :D

Nighty everyone.

Posted by Linda @ 10:23:00 PM

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