you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

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title: Screamin my name
date: Friday, August 29, 2008
time:8:42:00 PM
I wanted to mention Roxii today because she wanted me to mention her. So.. Hi Roxii!
I havent wrote since a week before school started, and now schools started, so Im a bit really really really busy.
And I havent got alot to say. I dont like school. I would write about my teachers, and how nice SOME of them are, and how mean they are, but our school has strongly advised us NOT to write anything bad to teachers, ot the principal or staff ect. because if they find out, I get suspended.
Thats pretty deep!
So I decided not to.
I'm just really busy, every day. I bet I'll be even busier when School sports starts, Im trying out for softball. Im a bit nervous that I have to try out for softball and make it. I mean, I feel that its okay if didnt make it, so then I can focus on my acedemics. :)
And I dont know what else to write.

Posted by Linda @ 8:42:00 PM

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title: A new website?
date: Sunday, August 17, 2008
time:12:34:00 PM
I got a real subdomain, and the ftp and crap, man Im confused!
But soon, in like a week, I will have a nice website up and running :D.
I'll tell you the link as soon as I have the site fixed, it looks terrible right now.

Posted by Linda @ 12:34:00 PM

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title: Good job Good job USA!
date: Friday, August 15, 2008
time:2:25:00 AM
Good job USA! Wow, I've added a widget that messed up the coding for this layout, but it shows all the olympic medals that have been won, wow, Im impressed by america, when watching gymnastics, although I'm pretty surprised that Shawn Johnson didnt get the gold medal, she got the silver and Nastia Luikin got the gold! Im so proud of her,and the strange thing is, I preddicted that nastia was going to win, but I sort of took it back when I saw Shawn Johnson become first. I'm still pretty excited and roud of them, even though I didnt even know them until the trials! Woo. Hoo.

Some news on my braces, I cannot play the flute as well as I did. 2 weeks before I got braces, I played the best that I ever did and now I stink. D: Terrible. at least I can eat now! Well, nothing really hard yet, like apples but Im getting better with eating at least :).
I'll get them off in high school (dickens)

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Posted by Linda @ 2:25:00 AM

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title: The perfect Linda glitter names! And.. Braces KILL.
date: Thursday, August 7, 2008
time:1:30:00 PM
I looked on Ego-Box and ahh! Lime green colored Linda glitter names! Anyone who knows me knows Im obsessed with the color lime green, and ehre it is! Wooo!
- Mah Favorite



Hmm perfect non animated. So perfectly perfect...


REminds me of mascara!

Yeah, i'll think abotu using these as a siggy!
All credit to Ego-Box!

And now, for my love for my braces..:

I HATE BRACES! Guess what I've ate for the PAST 3 DAYS
2 servings of yogurt smoothie,
6 normal slices of sushi, but into tiny peices so I can eat without chewing
one cup of orange juice
2 squares of cantelope cut in tiny peices
a banna, milk and butterfinger milkshake
and a can of chef boyarde ravioli.
one slice of whole weat bread with peanut butter
one small ball of cadbury half melted choclate
advil and painkiller for the braces.

I bet I ate less than a anorexic eats in a week. My stomach's just grumbling so loud!!\So hungry...

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Posted by Linda @ 1:30:00 PM

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title: The Mole addiction
time:12:09:00 PM
Currently watching the mole!
I can't figure out for sure who's the mole. Im 98% sure that Nicole is the mole though, its a bit fishy. Nicole-
Nicole never seems to like answer questions, and she brings home the wrong answers, and she never really likes to "particpate". Whenever she does do anything, she does it wrong the first time, and possibly wrong the second time as well, and she doesnt seems to express herself of being the final three like Mark and Craig. I find her very dumb. She doesnt seem to care if she's wrong about the mole because maybe she IS the mole!?!? And she seems lazy in her missions.. who do you think is the mole? To watch the last episode of the mole (Im watching the fourth section currently.) heres the link, and you can navigate to the first episode too, but you'll have to download some player (they will show you which player)
Mole Season Finale

Posted by Linda @ 12:09:00 PM

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title: Braces KILL
date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008
time:11:54:00 PM
WHo ever thought of braces for kids?
I think its the stupidest idea EVER!
yes, I got braces, and they completely KILL. I've got rubber bands right smack dab in hte frount of my mouthwhere everyone can see them IF I open my mouth. I know you're supposed to take them off when you eat, but when I take them off for long periods of time and then put them back on, it kills! At first, braces felt like thre was pressure on my teeth, sorta like when you puch down on your teeth, but after awhile it kills. And my mom keeps on saying these stupid things like "If you don't sleep, your teeth naturally hurt" and im like wtf, I havent heard that one before. SO my mom and dad said that I dont need to dress up for halloween. Oh thanks. So thats my update.
And I can only eat liquifid food, or really cut up food. Like mashed ravioli. :( Some people don't go through the pain I go through

Posted by Linda @ 11:54:00 PM

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title: Frenemies
date: Monday, August 4, 2008
time:2:48:00 PM
Don't you think its weird when you have a triangle of three friends and two of you talk about the third person, the third person talks to your friend about you and you and the third person talk about your friend?

And then one of them goes around telling them what you said to them,or what they said to you?
And then you guys get into a fight and the third person backs away?
Well America, I've got a problem with my friends. Ive got this friend named *Jenny whos really nice, but younger than me. Then there's another friend, Casey who's also younger than me. Jenny is jealous when i play with Casey, and vice versa. SO Jenny talks about Casey behind her back to me. But just yesterday, them two had a sleepover.

Something fishy going on? Definetly.
And I bet almost 100 bucks that they've talked about me. I guess they can't help themselves, because usually younger kids talk about older tweens/ kids/teens/adults because they're jealous. Its true, they probably have the looks, the make up, the clothes, the house, the boobs, the spouse, the boyfriend. But still, I don't like them talking about me. It makes me feel sad.
So I might go over today, just to see anything thats happened... I don't feel good about this though... :(.

Posted by Linda @ 2:48:00 PM

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title: Hannah Montana is every frikin where I look
date: Friday, August 1, 2008
time:12:36:00 AM
I understand how hard it is to be a celebrety like Miley Cyrus.

Yeah, some of you are going like "Miley's a total slut, She's always around having scandals and shes half naked in all of them!" But I mean, do you know how many teenage girls do the same things that she does, without getting noticed? Maybe not half naked on Vanity Fair, but taking pictures in thongs and bras- outrageous right?!?

Yeah, Yeah, and alot of the other girls who don't understand also say; "Well, she knows she's in the spot light, so there's no excuse for her behavior". Uh huh. Well, I'll have to say there is. Magazines exaggerate little things, gossip channels and online blogs rant on making the tiniest things look so bad so people would laugh and come to thier site more often, so they can make money off ads and magazine subscriptions.

And being a celebrety, there's almost not way of getting out of it, hundreds of thousands of little kids admire "Hannah Montana" and she's just being a normal teenage girl for pete's (Miley's) sake!!!!

I just wanted to get that clear. :)

and now for the madness part.


Hannah Montana posters dominate the poster's section of walmart, HM pencils, Undies, Jewelry, dressess, clothes and even bras have Hannah Montana! Thats SO outrageous, its like she's everywhere I look. And the best of both worlds 3D concert is also flashing on the telly, giving out free 3d glassess, Hardee Har Har. A stupid blonde fake girl is dominating our little american girls!

Posted by Linda @ 12:36:00 AM

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