you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

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title: I've got Pinkeye!
date: Monday, February 25, 2008
time:10:52:00 PM
Hey guys, I don't know whats up, but I'm pretty down. Ive got Pinkeye! I never knew what it looked like before today, I've had it once before actually, without even knowing it, and these other Chinese friends didn't know either so they were like " uhh, Linda, you have blood in your eye." And I thought it was just something you get for a day or 2, I mean it IS, but I didn't think that what I had was pinkeye. Then 4 people asked/ said " Whoa, your eyes are red" and " Do you have pink eye?" So then I searched it up and that's what I probably have. This morning, my eyes were "glued shut" and I couldn't open them no matter what, until my eyes started tearing and I took a shower, in case.. (It worked though). I'm sure its extremely contagious, 2 people that I've been around have it, which will be funny when I see the effects which start tomorrow.
Oh and guys, something really scary keeps happening, a guy with a phone number 504-292-8030 ( I think that's it) keeps calling, if you know anything about this, please call the police. Or comment. Don't pretend, be courteous because if there is any serious info, I'm calling the police. And if you lie, ha ha, I'm tracking down your I.P and then where you live. You'll remember me all right. Here are a couple clues:
The phone says its from Louisiana
My dad answered and it had a foreign accent. Mexican? Italian? German? Or any other foreign possible accent?
He did not state his name, hung up but kept calling. I'm afraid what he might do to me. At night.. Oh God, creepy, please HELP!
- Oh and I'm dead serious. If i don't blog for more than 2 months and something appeared on America's most wanted, you know that you need to report this blog to the police and the number. Oh em gee dawgs.

Posted by Linda @ 10:52:00 PM

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