you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

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title: Mosquitos & the Lunar Eclipse
date: Wednesday, February 20, 2008
time:9:44:00 PM
EDIT: Yay, I got 11 visitors today! Bad news, 1 comment. Doesnt anyone read what I actually write in my blog besides Linda? DO I have to hack you guys down to say hi? :(. Comments make me feel special. Fine, be that way.

Well, since I've been seeing these fly around so much, I just had to talk about them. Hate stupid mosquitos. Period. For me, its really annoying, hate when they buzz around my ears they have this really annoying sound.
The picture is there if you dont hate them that much already, thats a discusting eww... I wonder if that really makes your eye itchy? But there isnt blood IN your eye, just in the capillaries around it.. I dont know, but thats pretty discusting.
Doesnt that make you want to just swat it and finish it off? That mosquito is a butt head. ALl mosuitos are. :(. THeyve been nuzzing around soo much and if it comes to the point where it annoys the mighty Linda, its gotta be killed like dat. The thing that sucks it, Im too sissy to kill them. I mean, I have killed tons of mosquitos with my hands, its just something I prefer not to do with my hands fly swatter does the job good, but not good for the upstairs rooms. Who wants mosquito guts in your hands? Or on the wall? Thats gross.

Soo, and there is also a moon eclipse in my region ( Yay!) Or lunar eclipse. This is rare, the next one is in 2010!! Ive got to see this so hold on, I'll brb. I probably cant take pictures because I dont even know where it is. I'll try and post some one. Here some from photobucket:


Posted by Linda @ 9:44:00 PM

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