LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo
title: Rudyard Kipling plus E=mc squared! Yo my blog reading peoples! Today I learned the true meaning of 1. I didn't know the difference and 2. I didn't think and intestine is what I know it is now...) Now I'm thinking PSHHH yeah right! Although I'm pretty sure he still thinks that, I might go check later on. So, We're reading the Jungle book in Language arts. The original jungle book, not the one in that Disney movie where he jumps dances around with a bear or something. I have never watched a the movie before so reading the book was interesting. The beginning totally didn't make sense, but its the kind of book you have to read like 5 times to actually get it. It uses allot of thees and thous because its like ancient. Its older than my grandma! It was first published in 1894. Now that's old! For our Language arts homework, we are to search and summarize Richard Kipling's life, here. As I scrolled down and read the contents, I came across this part: Death and legacy I clicked on the words " Incorrectly announced " and that led me to this page. I read up to this part and then got interested in Marcus Garvey because it said that his death was caused by reading his own obituary. So I click on him and scrolled down to the part about his death and started cracking up. So here's what it said ( For those of you too lazy to go to the websites and click each page) : On June 10, 1940, Garvey died 2 strokes man, from reading about his own death! I would definitely sue the Chicago defender. If. I. survived that is... SO to end this ridiclousy long blog, I just want to say I fixed that underline, strike-out, bold and italics problem ( go me!) and I've also made 10 blogs appear on the main page instead of 5, so now theres more to read if you missed anything, but remember, there always the archives that you can click on for blogs wayy back. January, Febuary, March... Yep, they have the whole months worth of blogs so go there if you have troubles, or want to read more out of boredom ;). Have a great week, I'll try to blog tomorrow. Posted by Linda @ 4:27:00 PM