you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

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title: Aloha
date: Saturday, May 17, 2008
time:6:54:00 PM
When was the last time posted?
I dont even remember, but I don't have a long time to stay on either. Its test week next week, and I'm about dead. Something always goes wrong at that time but maybe not this year. Hopefully!
I dont even remember a whole bunch of things that I've learned!
But today we went to Wal mart to buy school supples :). I love new school supplies, they feel so new and perfect in your hands and it makes me feel happy. Until they get old and dirty, like what happens in my pencil case. Then you can donate them to the needy or a hobo on the streets to write their signs that say something like "Homeless. Need food and shelter. God bless you".
Afterwards, we had a piano recital, which I probably totally screwed up on, and so did everyone else. Maybe there was only one person that didnt screw up, or at least we didnt know that they screwed up, but there was a ton of little kids who forgot thier piece! I think I did poorly as well, but yeh know what? I don't think anyone actually noticed.

It was especially embarrassing for the little kids because they would play maybe 1 quarter or half their song, then mess up, and play the first part again and then just look at the teacher. And the teacher just told them to take a bow, and one girl couldn't hear her so she stopped completely and leaned out of the piano to get a better view of the teacher.

It was painful to watch them!
Im glad that I actually survived though, I wouldnt want to mess up so badly that I had to stop. I didnt forget my piece.., lucky me ;)

Posted by Linda @ 6:54:00 PM

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