you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

to be updated....

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title: Finally, another blog
date: Thursday, July 17, 2008
time:7:39:00 PM
So its been awhile. Many many days, but at least something interesting happened.
First, I went the the Shelby meet and did horrible. I gained times in almost everything except breastroke and butterfly, surprising, since they're my worst strokes.

Im in love with a ten year old named Jack. Surprising? you bet.

I made the Junior Olympics in swimming (backstroke), something I never thought that I could ever Achieve.

I changed the layout that wasnt working before into something gothy- ish I guess thats how I feel?!?

And Ive got swimmers ear, and its extremely painful.

Well, I can't have everything, but ARGH IT HURTS.

The Junior olympic meet is on Sunday, and its from everyone in my state. I'm pretty nervous myself. It might be a pretty good achievement, but I stinked at everything else, so it balances it out and I still feel bad. My ear's still got water in it, and for goodness sakes Im half deaf!

A reminder to everyone out there who swims - NEVER GET SWIMMERS EAR. It gives you head pain, head aches and nausea. Well, thats what I've got, unless its from the darn medicine.

And I know my blogs been down for about forever, because I put on this skin I got from another website and it didnt quite work, so I felt lazy and didnt do anything else.
I am in pain.

and I want unlimited texting.

Posted by Linda @ 7:39:00 PM

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