you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

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title: SNOWING!
date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009
time:7:20:00 AM

The world is so good to me :). I have found me peace at last. Except for that Canadian goose out the window. Its calls are annoying me.

Thats not my house. Some random picture on the internet.. But thats what it looks like outside!
SO, this morning, I really decided I did not want to go to school. I wanted my mom to just drop me off, and screw the bus. It can come early and screw everyone else, for all I cared, anyway. So I woke up to a very fogged window, and I was groaning....

Usually, a fogged window has to do with RAIN. SO I automatically assumed it was raining.. which I was wrong..

Outside, its almost completely white, but as time passes, the tree are getting a bit more greener. The roofs are all white, and the sidewalks are so perfect.. Marshmellowy, white and soft looking, something that I would love to walk on. But it didn't work with clouds, so I'm not sure it'll work with snow. All I would do is damage the nice scenery :)

But seriously, every time there is snow, my dad has to work really late. I bet he wasn't even working! I tried to wake him to take pictures with his mega pixel camera, and he just wouldn't wake up. Well, he did, and mumbled for me to go away, and that he worked late. Which also explains something else..
This morning, I wanted to take pictures before everything melted because we rarely ever get snow, and even more rarely, get good snow. (And we didn't get good snow. It was crappy. Dry, cold, and wouldn't stick together.) On the screen porch, I noticed some very large foot prints, coming into our house, , turning around and coming out. And was freaked... My first thoughts were; Its not Tony, he didn't even go outside... Its not Dad, he's asleep... Its not ME nor mom...
But it turned out to be my dad, taking a smoke break at one in the morning.

So my mom made a very unfunny joke, that if a "bad guy" really did come, I would be the first one that he would take. "Ha Ha" Mom... And I'm your only daughter..

So my list of priorities is,
1. Eat
3. Sleep
5. do some homework.

:P And maybe enjoy my day in the crappy snow. I think I'll try to make a snowman!

Posted by Linda @ 7:20:00 AM

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