you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

to be updated....

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Atomic Affliction
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© * étoile filante
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icons: cablelines
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title: lovey dovey songs & parents 101 once again.
date: Saturday, July 26, 2008
time:4:12:00 PM
Why is it that every song I hear is about a guy and a girl either;
`Breaking up
`Getting cheated on
`Ignoring each other but wanting each other?
`falling in love
`falling out of love
`making it obvious you're single and trying to get someone to hit on you
`doing "it" (but its not directly stated in the song)
`staing their feelings about a guy in general
`something about a broken heart, or a heart in general
`and any other advice about a guy and a girl
I know these are the artists feelings, but theres enough songs about love than anyone needs.

And my parents, again are SO annoying. Well, especially my mom, she so nosy, always into what im doing, she even picks up the phone when Im talking to someone to listen to my conversation and she acts all innocent and pretends she didnt. WHAT THE HECK?!? Its so annoying. Thats all I can take.

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Posted by Linda @ 4:12:00 PM

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title: Motion stop videos
date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008
time:5:18:00 PM
I love motion stop videos, I think they are quite something fab.
heres one of spagetti, and some more under, tres coool!

a bit innapropriate-

Posted by Linda @ 5:18:00 PM

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title: Im feeling in a foreign mood
date: Monday, July 21, 2008
time:3:07:00 PM
I decided to add some français to my blogs. It makes my blogs sound more interesting, and foreign... I added a music pop up at the side, under the music tab. Only 6 songs, but thats all I could fit. I shose a bunch of random or should I say aléatoire songs, dont ask, I just did, and you can make your own too.
I think I've told you about my cousins rabbit staying with me? Since she went to China for 3 weeks? Well I think he peed on me today. Either that or he tried to "faire l'amour" with my shin. Which is discusting. I hope you're discusted.

Im feeling sick of looking at this stupide compuer screen. I feel unwell. Nautious. Malade.
I wonder how my brother stands staringa t a computer screen for so long. Urgh!

Posted by Linda @ 3:07:00 PM

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title: Finally, another blog
date: Thursday, July 17, 2008
time:7:39:00 PM
So its been awhile. Many many days, but at least something interesting happened.
First, I went the the Shelby meet and did horrible. I gained times in almost everything except breastroke and butterfly, surprising, since they're my worst strokes.

Im in love with a ten year old named Jack. Surprising? you bet.

I made the Junior Olympics in swimming (backstroke), something I never thought that I could ever Achieve.

I changed the layout that wasnt working before into something gothy- ish I guess thats how I feel?!?

And Ive got swimmers ear, and its extremely painful.

Well, I can't have everything, but ARGH IT HURTS.

The Junior olympic meet is on Sunday, and its from everyone in my state. I'm pretty nervous myself. It might be a pretty good achievement, but I stinked at everything else, so it balances it out and I still feel bad. My ear's still got water in it, and for goodness sakes Im half deaf!

A reminder to everyone out there who swims - NEVER GET SWIMMERS EAR. It gives you head pain, head aches and nausea. Well, thats what I've got, unless its from the darn medicine.

And I know my blogs been down for about forever, because I put on this skin I got from another website and it didnt quite work, so I felt lazy and didnt do anything else.
I am in pain.

and I want unlimited texting.

Posted by Linda @ 7:39:00 PM

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title: Lazy Lazy Lazy
date: Monday, July 7, 2008
time:2:23:00 PM

Sorry, Im getting really lazy with posts and I havent been doing much either, so really theres not much to talk about. My cousin went to China last tuesday so I have to take care of her rabbit. Her rabbit just peed on my wooden floor though, so now theres this big black stain. His pee rotted our floor boards. Great. So he slept out side for the night. He was so scared, I watched him through the window, and he bunched into a ball when I tapped on the window. I think I'll give him a nice patting on the head. I dont know what else to do.

Posted by Linda @ 2:23:00 PM

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title: Edit
date: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
time:11:57:00 AM

For those of you who ave missed my last post, you can read down under...
I think somethings wrong with the images, about bandwith exceeding but whenever I hover over some of the images, the original image comes back.
I think this is just temporary, my bandwith has NOT exceeded, and explained it a bit ont eh front page. It scared e at first because the whole thing was and "photobucket this" and photobucket that. I replaced the images with blog skins image codes and its better excet "blog" and "profile". Ah well, they'll stay there until it all ends... Im too lazy. Sorry!

Posted by Linda @ 11:57:00 AM

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title: Rabbits coming today!
time:10:39:00 AM

Im sleepy! But my cousin is going to China for 3 weeks with her family and she's giving my her rabbit to take care of! Yayy. Next week I'll be having this super big swim meet which Im nervous about. Actually, its not that super big but its the last long course meet that I'll have being 12. I wish I just started swim team earlier... *sigh*

I hope I can make it to JO (Junior Olympics) But its not quite fair for girls as it is for boys. Boys need a A time, but us girls need a AA time. SOME people that I know are definetly going, blasting every one with AAA's and AAAA's. But the moment I turn thirteen, everythings going to change, the ages, the competition, 13 year olds will be competing with 15, 16, 17, 18 yeah olds. I feel uncapable. Before ending my blog though, I've got some news-

We got Second in the softball tournament. Our last tournament in 2 weeks time ( Same day as my important swim meet) is the last chance we can get one of those gold trophies! Yikies. I'll be strikin with nervosity (its not a word, don't worry Omg is it a word-Check and I thought I just made it up!) I got a silver scary ugly looking trophy, glad it doesnt stare at me. Its got a really bad pig nose though, but a trophy is a ttrophy and we won it :). I sought a air ball in the outfield. Very proud!

Posted by Linda @ 10:39:00 AM

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