you said move on, where do i go?


LINDA I have accepted myself into this strange world. Have you yet accepted yourself? I am obsessed with doing well in school, just another typical asian, yeh? :D ooo

to be updated....

the things you do
Atomic Affliction
eXTReMe Tracker

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
April 2009
July 2009
January 2010
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September 2010
title: BTW
date: Saturday, January 26, 2008
time:11:40:00 PM
BTW*cough* ( SmileymileyIam...)
My website name isnt *Car Chemistry*. Haha, thats sooo funny... No, just FYI- my Site name is Vivid-opals for anyone who.. yeh know, doesnt know it, although it does say it in the URL bar.
Oh- I added buttons! Now, anyone can link me, even for no such reason ;). My stupid adobe photoshop 2 wont make blinkies so I have to wait until i can make money and get a cs2. Or CS3, I wish my friends had something linke that though. I wish.
Oh and I made my photobucket account private! I learned how. I might make it public on sceduled dates, like all through FEB. You can take a look through my calendar ( I'll add one) and see whats there ;)
The password will be sent to you when you comment ( IF you comment ,buttheads)

Posted by Linda @ 11:40:00 PM

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title: Icons
time:9:49:00 PM
Strange pictures i've collected off photobucket.... Credit to their rightful owners :) Save onto your computer and upload it to photobucket or tinypic.

This ones too big as well, but its great for a layout- One of my favorites
( This one was big so just copy it onto your computer or upload it yourself )
This ones funny, it may or may not work though, this users bandwith exceeded.

Err.... yeah, life lessons.
Smallies? :
This ones a icons icons icon, it takes forever to read the whole thing but it keeps your friends occupied!

Pretty one.
This looks like the image isnt showing when you first look at it, buts thats the real image. (Unless you cant see anything of course)
I like these kinds of icons, rainbows rock!

Eli manning

Posted by Linda @ 9:49:00 PM

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title: How to add content
time:9:39:00 PM
So after 4 months, I finally found out ( thought of an idea) of how to add content! i'll just use a permanent link on a blog post! ;) How smart I am... Lol, not really. But that means I'm keeping this layout for awhile. Have a nice day, I'l adding some pictures and stamps. Maybe just stamps. I'm happy! But I only have adobe photoshop #2. I will suck- dont laugh at me! Oh and I added a contact me section, I have a myspace for this site, dont have a personal one though, I dont like going there... But its a cool thing. I hope to never let anyone know my real age and stuff... although you guys might. The internet is SCARY. And something else-This Indian guy called my cell phone today 2 times ! I picked up the second time and... well, this is our conversation, really short:
Me: Hi?
Indian guy: Hey!!! ( he sounded like he was calling his gf... eek)
Me: Uh... I think you ahve the wrong number
Indian guy: Uh... Huh
Me: Yeah ( what the heck was I thinking?)
Indian guy: Oh... uh um.... ok.

And I was so stupid- I didnt ask who he was!! I should have. Really creepy. That means he still has my number and can stalk me anytime. Thats so nice. Just brilliant.

Posted by Linda @ 9:39:00 PM

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title: Somethings wrong with the PC
date: Wednesday, January 23, 2008
time:11:27:00 PM
Something is wrong with the computer so I cant visit any other sites other than this one. I cant even open tabs! I'm blaming it all on *waa* ( dont worry, its a really cool site though, you should go there)
Heres my story if you want to know... ( I actually just want to use the boxy "block quote thing"
I was innocently checking my email and accepting my affiliates stuff and deleting spam... ( SERIOUSLY, I got 150 spam mails in a day! Its using up alot of my space ...) and then I got some accepts for affie requests... dahh dahh, you know, I'm always excited when I get accepted. It makes me feel happy :). Then *bum bum bum bum...* I went to Color bursts site ( Julia's?) and posted a comment ( yay me) and then I decided to add her link.. and my computer stuffed up. It threw bannanas at me. BUT, I ate em.
Ok, I get off topic, where did the bannanas come from? So weird... Wait.. I think I got a picture of a bananana. Or Banana? How many na's do banananananananannnanananana's have? UGH so off topic. BACK to the topic again - now I have to sleep, so see ya guys. Uh.. moms calling gotta run or die.

SO thats my story. I really do have to run or die.
P.s- funny thing. My mom said that if you pat your belly 3 times a day, you lost fat, its hilarious she beleives that. Now shes patting her stomach 24/7... *sigh* whoat people do to lose weight these days... hahaha.

Posted by Linda @ 11:27:00 PM

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title: # 3 my freezing house and spam mail
date: Monday, January 21, 2008
time:11:07:00 PM
3rd post of the day, not too bad eh? Just dropping by to say hi. I was also looking through some other peoples websites. Really makes me want to have my own *wink*. But I was thinking- If I did have a website, I would have to update almost every time that I blogged! Either that or everyone gets mad at me. I think I'll just rest my eyes for awhile, and be a good blogger :). Later, I'll think about it. Oh and everyone in my house except me is asleep so thats where I better be going too. My house is freezing, and my mom doesnt turn the heat on either because:
1: She claims it makes her throat sore ( yeah sure, cranking the heater 2 degrees higher)

2: Wastes money and wants to conserve energy.

Maybe the 2nd part could be true. Its not "wasting" money though...

On a random note, do you think spam mails are annoying? I mean all 3 times Ive come to post today, Ive got spam. It invades me every 30 minutes!! I dont even know how these people get my email... They probably sell it in forms... Cheapos. I had 313 spam mails in one day, If I never checked them or deleted them, I really wonder how much I would get. *grumble*
Ok, so its 11:28, it must be crazy for me to not sleep ( yeah, I am crazy so never mind that) so I'm going now. And dont forget to do the math contest on the last post ↓ , its important if you wanna get "advertised". See yah soon, probably not tomorrow, I'm really busy. REALLY busy. Oh and pardon those little symbols (if they show up) I was testing...

Posted by Linda @ 11:07:00 PM

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title: Wooo
time:4:11:00 PM
I got everything fixed up, ready to go :). I applied for some more affies, everyone elses affie list is like "BAM" and mine is so tiny.... but I'm glad I have them. Without them, I wont be here. Anyways, my mom left to pick my brother up from his volenteer work, which gives me the opportunity to go on and update somethings *wink*. I also have some more stuff on the sidebar. I wish I had pages to go to.. but sadly, it aint gunna happen. I must work quickly though, if my mom catches me at this...

Err.. Testing...

There are few things to blog about right now. My dads at work all the way in Florida, so hes not here to yell at me. I do have a nifty problem for you guys to solve. Ready? ( Solve in comments section if you please...)
What does (x+y)(x+y) =?
I was yelled at for 5 hours yesterday ( err, no kidding) because I forgot how to solve that. Here are some hints, I may have not given the question clearly:
☆ You have to give the answer in the variable form, like (x+y)(x+y) = Y times X etc.

☆ Type square if you mean square, not 2

And if its still not clear.. just wait for the answer, I'll post that some day this week if you please. Who ever is the first person to get it right will be on the post with the answer. :)
Good luck.

Posted by Linda @ 4:11:00 PM

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title: FINALLY
time:1:13:00 PM
I'm soo mad. Linda not happy alert.
I tried ALOT of layouts unsuccessfully, they havent been working so Ive been switching to my death. Plus, I had a coughing fit at night and kept on coughing myself awake... Really tired and about to kill someone. Then I need to practice my flute. But FINALLY I got this layout up and working, when I'm about to kill someone anf pull thier hair out. I also am sceduled to play for some museum and make mulah and a woman is going to come and test me. The Chinese music that they gave me was HORRIBLE. So frustrated... I wish I had the guts to become emo but I'm too chicken. I edited alot of this layout ( I'm proud) but I have to get practicing again. Victory victory is my cry!
I'm just tooo annoyed to type anymore. Plus, I have to add a comments thingo before I leave. I swear I will kill.
But, Finally, I broke free that old ugly layout :) wooo.

Posted by Linda @ 1:13:00 PM

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title: The other layout stinks
date: Saturday, January 19, 2008
time:12:39:00 PM
I changed layout AGAIN. I couldnt figure out what was wrong with the codes so I just used another one... perty-sorry.

Posted by Linda @ 12:39:00 PM

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title: New layout
date: Thursday, January 17, 2008
time:3:37:00 PM
Hopefully you'll see a new layout in a couple of hours. I really cant stay on for long- my mom is driving me nuts, but of course I cant do much about it right now. Oh and I also found something called review pistol... I have no idea what it is, but I'm reading about the stuff right now... It might help me get hits...? It says

" Welcome to, a brand new site that will review almost any site at your request. No link back is required if you want your site to be reviewed. Sites that receive an A* will be featured on every page of our site!
Please feel free to submit a site for reviewing below (you do not need to own the site, or even be a member of the site's staff).

I should have some reviews up by early February. I should also have a site layout up by the end of this month

Well.. A*? I dont think so. my site will probably be rated F, if not a D. I mean, I have to admit, I feel like this site is so BORING, just full of blogs that you dont need to read. But yet, blogging is something I like to do and I will do it to express myself in words and adobe photoshop can help express the picture part. I just wish that you guys would comment *sniff* I mean, I know when people come here to read my blogs ( or just to laugh at its ridiculos content) but nobody comments! I feel alone. *sniff* ( thats 2 sniffs )
oh PS, if I havent already said-
But most of it melted into the rgeass already. Its not really a huge snow. The news said it was a "wintry mix"

Posted by Linda @ 3:37:00 PM

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title: Hey!
date: Tuesday, January 15, 2008
time:9:36:00 PM
I'm back! For a day at least... I'm pretty happy to say that I'm back for a couple days, yeah my parents dont know I'm going on again but that not the point. Some day this week, I had 10 visitors, not including me!! (applause) Thats a great accomplishment for me, and thanks to my affies. I noticed that I've been getting a couple hits a day ( whoopeee ). Thanks you guys- you guys kick butt!
I was watching the news and finally, it might snow over here! They say it is, and it better snow, or I wont be a happy kid. What is a wintry mix?

And plus... I'm having lots of parent trouble. Its really annoying. My moms like screening everything I'm doing. I wore some eyeliner one day and today, I think she noticed? And she was like :' are you wearing make up?"
"so stupid "
and I'm like... uh wtf....
pLus, theres 90% that its gunna snow. Whoo hoo, I really need this day off tomorrow. Ok, now my mom is getting crazy now.. I cant even blog now. I really think she has alot of issues, I know I might be annoying about this mom thing but, MAN, if you were me, maybe you would of beat her down?
Gosh... I feel mean. Plus, in the next coupld day of so, you'll see a new layout. This one is just KILLING me.
Love ya'll!

Posted by Linda @ 9:36:00 PM

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title: Hiatus
date: Tuesday, January 8, 2008
time:9:37:00 PM
Cant do bloggin now. I might switch to a new blog soon. This one is a bit"old"
So I'm putting up signs. HIATUSHave a good day to you too :). Happy new year. Oh and changing to a new blog is probably what I'm oging to do so have any suggestions? Ahh... AHH ok, I really have to go. My mom... you know, the usual. Email me @ ( yes, my special personal real email!)

Posted by Linda @ 9:37:00 PM

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